The time has come. For the closing of one door, and the opening of
I started this blog in 2009, and, as the name suggests, it came out of
the place of boredom. I was feeling unsatisfied with my career, and wanted a
place to be creative that was just mine, but that was also a way to communicate
with people who were interested in the things I was interested in – books,
movies, TV, other stuff. And hence, Boredom Abounds By Julia was born.
Since starting the blog in 2009, I’ve gotten married, and last year we
had our first child. It’s been the most amazing journey of my life, full of ups
and downs (but mostly ups!), but unfortunately my blog has suffered. I love
blogging. I love writing, I love finding the humour in things, I love being
honest with my opinions, and I love hearing what you (yes, you!) think about
what I write, good or bad. I have tried hard not to constantly sit in front of a screen while my
husband and child potter around in the background. I want to be a present wife
and mother, and combining that with returning to work part-time, and juggling
motherhood and marriage meant that my blog has been neglected quite a bit.
But as I find my feet and settle into my new routine as a working mother, I’m trying to find some time to myself again, that time that I would use to write my blog. However, I’m no longer bored. Far from it! Working and having an eighteen month old toddler means I rarely have down time. Not because I’m constantly full to the brim of motherhood duties. More because I have a lot I want to achieve and I have a lot of hobbies, on top of raising a child and being a wife. So I have a to-do list as long as my arm, full of those household jobs that are always there, but also full of things I want to learn and experiment with and achieve for myself.
And so boredom no longer abounds. I have decided to bring Boredom
Abounds By Julia to a close, and I want to thank my readers for their support
and for coming here and reading the things I had to say for the past three and
a half years. It has been greatly appreciated!
However, as I said, I do still love to write, and I do love the
blogging medium. I have always hoped to turn my writing into something bigger
than just a personal blog – what that is I’m not sure of yet. But I do know
that I needed to stop and change direction. And so I’m launching a new website –
still a blog, but with a fresh look, and a new location. Some things will be
the same, some things will be new. There will be some of the same sort of posts, as well
as shorter ones, more suited to publishing on a more frequent schedule (when my
schedule allows for it), but the most important thing is that it will remain my
Although I am a mother, I am not a ‘mommyblogger.’ My husband and child
are part of my private life and I won’t be writing specifically about them or
posting photos of them over at my new website. Not that there’s anything wrong
with that, it’s just not my kind of thing. My new blog will remain an
entertainment and lifestyle blog over and above anything else, and I really
hope you’ll come over and have a look around.
So thank you for reading, today and all the days you came by to relieve
the boredom!
And now I’d love for you to come and say hello at Chic To Do - a blog about getting stuff done with style.